Saturday, 31 December 2011

Ohio Gov. John Kasich's 'Jobs Budget' Costing the State Jobs

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), who ran on a job creation agenda, and who used job creation as an excuse to assault the rights of workers, ended his first year in office having shrunk the size of the workforce in the state. The governor and the media are touting his job creation numbers, but Ohio blog Plunderbund does a masterful job taking those claims apart:

You see, Ohio?s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. So until June 30, 2011, Ohio was still under Governor Ted Strickland?s last budget even though Kasich was Governor.

In pushing the legislature to pass it, Kasich said his ?Jobs Budget? was the reform-oriented group of policy proposals that would lead to job creation in Ohio. No other piece of legislation has Kasich claimed would do more good for the economy than his ?Jobs Budget.? It?s where JobsOhio got its funding source, it?s where the State repealed the estate tax (although not effective until June 30, 2013? because otherwise the legislature would have had to find a way to pay for it.) It?s is the alpha and omega, so far, of all of Kasich?s economic policies.

Most of the 46,600 jobs that Kasich touts as having been created in Ohio since he took office were created before his ?Jobs Budget? was in force. In fact, more than 82% of the jobs that were created since Kasich took office were created before July of this year (when Ohio was still under Governor Strickland?s budget.) In fact, over half of the new jobs created during Kasich?s entire term so far were created within the first 90 days of the Administration.

What did Kasich due during that time that warrants him receiving credit for those jobs? Nothing.

The Plunderbund post goes on to also report on the most important bit of context that needs to be taken into account when any job creation numbers are mentioned -- are people getting jobs or are they dropping out of the workforce? Can you guess what's happening in Ohio?

And as for the labor population (the measure of how many individuals are working or looking for work), the labor market shrank in the six months before the Jobs Budget became law by 15,000. Given that it shrank by 22,000 in November alone, do you really want to know the number of how much its shrunk in the five months since the Jobs Budget became law?

Over 48,000 Ohioans have dropped out of the labor market since the ?Jobs Budget? became law.

To put it another way, more Ohioans have dropped out of labor market in Ohio in the five months since the ?Jobs Budget? became law than all the jobs Ohio has created since January of this year.

In short, it?s hard to look at the totality of the objective economic data in Ohio and say that John Kasich deserves any credit. Quite the opposite, it?s easier to suggest a negative correlation, and that John Kasich?s agenda has actually hurt job creation, rather than helped it.


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New Satellites To Extend China's Military Reach

Chinese and foreign military experts say the PLA?s General Staff Department and General Armaments Department closely coordinate and support all of China?s space programs within the sprawling science and aerospace bureaucracy.

As part of this system, the Beidou, or ?Big Dipper,? network will have an important military role alongside the country?s rapidly expanding network of surveillance, imaging and remote sensing satellites.

China routinely denies having military ambitions in space.

Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun on Wednesday dismissed fears the Beidou network would pose a military threat, noting that all international satellite navigation systems are designed for dual civilian and military use.

Catching Up With The U.S.

China accelerated its military satellite research and development after PLA commanders found they were unable to track two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups deployed in 1996 to the Taiwan Strait at a time of high tension between the island and the mainland, analysts say.

The effort received a further boost when it was shown how crucial satellite networks were in the 1991 Gulf War, the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

While China still lags behind the United States and Russia in overall space technology, over the last decade it has rapidly become a state-of-the-art competitor in space-based surveillance after deploying a range of advanced satellite constellations that serve military and civilian agencies.

With the launch of more than 30 surveillance satellites over the last decade, according to space technology experts, the PLA can monitor an expanding area of the earth?s surface with increased frequency, an important element of reliable military reconnaissance.

That coverage gives PLA commanders vastly improved capability to detect and track potential military targets.

Real-time satellite images and data can also be used to coordinate the operations of China?s naval, missile and strike aircraft forces in operations far from the mainland.

?What we are seeing is China broadly acquiring the same capabilities in this area as those held by the U.S.,? said Ross Babbage, a defense analyst and founder of the Canberra, Australia-based Kokoda Foundation, an independent security policy unit.

?Essentially, they are making most of the Western Pacific far more transparent to their military.?

In a recent article for the Journal of Strategic Studies, researchers Eric Hagt and Matthew Durnin attempted to estimate the capability of China?s space network using orbital modeling software and available data on satellite performance.

China?s most basic satellites carried electro-optical sensors capable of taking high resolution digital images in the visible and non-visible wavelengths, wrote the authors.

More advanced satellites launched in recent years carried powerful synthetic aperture radars that could penetrate cloud and cover much bigger areas in high detail.

Added to that, China was now deploying satellites that could monitor electronic signals and emissions, so-called electronic intelligence or ELINT platforms, the authors said.

?Next to China, only the United States possesses more capable tactical support systems in space for tactical operations,? they wrote.

Intellpuke: You can read this article by Reuters correspondent David Lague, reporting from Hong Kong, China, in context here:


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Friday, 30 December 2011

Most Popular Firefox Extensions and Posts of 2011 [Best Of Lifehacker 2011]

Most Popular Firefox Extensions and Posts of 20112011 saw Firefox race ahead with a new version with lots of improvements?speed being chief among them?and lots more features and add-ons to fully customize your web browsing. here are our most popular Firefox extensions and posts from the past year.

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Browser Speed Tests: Firefox 7, Chrome 14, Internet Explorer 9, and Opera 11.51

Firefox 7 is set to be released today, and with a big focus on performance, we thought it time for another round of browser speed test. We pitted the four most popular Windows browsers against each other in a battle of startup times, tab-loading times, JavaScript powers, and memory usage. More ?

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First Glimpse at Firefox 5's New Looks and Features

Mozilla's user experience team is doing their nit-pick-y work on Firefox 5 in public?yes, before Firefox 4 is actually shipped. Check out what they're thinking of changing up, including webapp improvements, session restore, menu fixing, and other small but nice improvements. More ?

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Google+Facebook Extension Integrates Facebook Viewing and Updating on Google+

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What "Do Not Track" Is and Why It's Important

What's so bad about ad tracking on the web, a.k.a. behavioral targeting? Nothing, if you don't mind being a living stereotype. No, seriously?that's what much of the fuss over "Do Not Track" browser options and opt-out options is about. More ?

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Find Out Which Add-Ons Are Slowing Down Firefox

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Eight Is a Stylish, Windows 8-Inspired Start Page for Your Browser

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Aurora Is a More Stable, Bleeding Edge Dev Channel for Firefox

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The Always Up-to-Date Power User's Guide to Firefox

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DeskSMS Is the Best Phone-to-Desktop SMS Solution We've Seen Yet

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And there you have it. It was a big year for Firefox, what with the release of a big new version, multiple chanenels, a rapid release system, and tons more great extensions that make your life easier. If you have a favorite Firefox extension or how-to that didn't make the list, share it with us in the comments below. And, for more Firefox goodness, check out our best Firefox posts of 2010 and 2009, too.


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All eyes on German renewable energy efforts (AP)

FELDHEIM, Germany ? This tiny village in a wind-swept corner of eastern Germany seems an unlikely place for a revolution.

Yet environmentalists, experts and politicians from El Salvador to Japan to South Africa have flocked here in the past year to learn how Feldheim, with just 145 people, is already putting into practice Germany's vision of a future powered entirely by renewable energy.

Chancellor Angela Merkel's government passed legislation in June setting the country on course to generate a third of its power through renewable sources ? such as wind, solar, geothermal and bioenergy ? within a decade, reaching 80 percent by 2050, while creating jobs, increasing energy security and reducing harmful emissions.

The goals are among the world's most ambitious, and expensive, and other industrialized nations from the U.S. to Japan are watching to see whether transforming into a nation powered by renewable energy sources can really work.

"Germany can't afford to fail, because the whole world is looking at the German model and asking, can Germany move us to new business models, new infrastructure?" said Jeremy Rifkin, a U.S. economist who has advised the European Union and Merkel.

In June, the nation passed the 20 percent mark for drawing electric power from a mix of wind, solar and other renewables. That compares with about 9 percent in the United States or Japan ? both of which rely heavily on hydroelectric power, a source that has long been used.

Expanding renewables depends on the right mix of resources, as well as government subsidies and investment incentive ? and a willingness by taxpayers to shoulder their share of the burden. Germans currently pay a 3.5 euro cent per kilowatt-hour tax, roughly euro157 ($205) per year for a typical family of four, to support research and investment in and subsidize the production and consumption of energy from renewable sources.

That allows for homeowners who install solar panels on their rooftops, or communities like Feldheim that build their own biogas plants, to be paid above-market prices for selling back to the grid, to ensure that their investment at least breaks even.

Critics, like the Institute for Energy Research, based in Washington, D.C., maintain such tariffs put an unfair burden of expanding renewables squarely on the taxpayer. At the same time, to make renewable energy work on the larger scale, Germany will have to pour billions into infrastructure, including updating its grid.

Key to success of the transformation will be getting the nation's powerful industries on board, to drive innovation in technology and create jobs. According to the Environment Ministry, overall investment in renewable energy production equipment more than doubled to euro29.4 billion ($38.44 billion) in 2011. Solid growth in the sector is projected through the next decade.

Some 370,000 people in Germany now have jobs in the renewable sector, more than double the number in 2004, a point used as proof that tax payers' investment is paying off.

Feldheim has zero unemployment compared with roughly 30 percent in other villages in the economically depressed state of Brandenburg, which views investments in renewables as a ticket for a brighter future. Most residents work in the plant that produces biogas ? fuel made by the breakdown of organic material such as plants or food waste ? or maintain the wind and solar parks that provide the village's electricity.

"The energy revolution is already taking place right here," says Werner Frohwitter, spokesman for the Energiequelle company that helped set up and run Feldheim's energy concept.

But it's not only in the countryside. Earlier this month in Berlin, officials unveiled a prototype of a self-sustaining, energy-efficient home, built from recycled materials and complete with electric vehicles that can be charged in its garage.

The aim of the prototype home is to produce twice as much energy as is used by a family of four ? chosen from a willing pool of volunteers who will be selected to live in the home for 15 months ? through a combination of solar photovoltaics and energy management technology, in order to show the technology already exists to allow people to be energy self-sufficient.

"We want to show people that already today it is possible to live completely from renewable energy," said German Transport Minister Peter Ramsauer as the project, dubbed "Efficiency House Plus," was unveiled. The house is part of a wider euro1.2 million ($1.57 million) project investing in energy-efficient buildings.

"The Efficiency House Plus will set standards that can be adopted by the majority in the short term," Ramsauer told The Associated Press. "The basic principle is that the house produces more energy than needed to live. The extra energy is then used to charge electric-powered cars and bicycles or sold back to the public grid."

Germany's four leading car makers are also participating in the project with BMW AG, Daimler AG, Volkswagen AG and Opel, which is part of Buick's parent company, General Motors Co., each making an E-car for use by in the home.

Such strong cooperation between Germany's industrial sector, coupled with a political landscape that emphasizes stability and a heightened public ecological sensibility, makes Germany fertile ground to lead the way in the transformation from a post-carbon economy to one run on renewable energy.

"Germany has the most robust industrial economy per capita. When you talk about industrial revolution, that's Germany. It's German technology, it's German IT, it's German commutation," said Rifkin, who outlines what he calls the "The Third Industrial Revolution," in a newly released book of the same title that explains how the economies in the future could swap fossil fuels for renewable energies and still maintain growth.

Robert Pottmann, an asset manager with Munich Re, one of the world's biggest reinsurers, says the company seeks to invest about euro2.5 billion ($3.27 billion) in the next few years in renewable energy assets such as "wind farms, solar projects or maybe new electricity grids."

Alan Simpson, an independent energy and climate adviser from Britain who visited Feldheim as part of a wider tour of Germany last month to see what the renewable revolution looks like up close said it was inspiring to view what is being accomplished on the ground.

"It's great to think about Germany delivering on everything that we are being told in Great Britain is impossible," Simpson said.

Amid the excitement, there is also an awareness of the real need for the German experiment to succeed.

"If Germany can't pull this off," said Rifkin. "We don't have a plan B."


Associated Press writer Juergen Baetz contributed to this story from Berlin.


On the Internet:


German Renewable Energy Agency:


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Avastin disappoints against ovarian cancer (AP)

Avastin, the blockbuster drug that just lost approval for treating breast cancer, now looks disappointing against ovarian cancer, too. Two studies found it did not improve survival for most of these patients and kept their disease from worsening for only a few months, with more side effects.

The Genentech drug won approval in Europe last week for advanced ovarian cancer. But its maker has no immediate plans to seek the same approval in the United States. After talking with the Food and Drug Administration, "we do not believe the data will support approval" although no final decision has been made, said Charlotte Arnold, a spokeswoman for Genentech, part of the Swiss company Roche.

Results of the studies are in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine.

In November, the FDA revoked Avastin's approval for breast cancer because it did not meaningfully extend life and can have serious side effects. Without approval, doctors can prescribe the drug but insurers may not pay. Treatment with it can cost $100,000 a year.

Avastin can still be sold for some colon, lung, kidney and brain cancers. The new research was aimed at adding ovarian cancer to the list.

One study, led by Dr. Robert Burger of Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, involved nearly 1,900 women with advanced ovarian cancer given one of three treatment combinations. The time until the disease got worse was a median of 10 months in those given just chemotherapy; adding Avastin improved that by just one to four months for the other two groups.

Survival was similar among the groups, and side effects were higher among those on Avastin ? mostly high blood pressure but also some stomach and gut problems that needed treatment.

In the other study, led by researchers from England, more than 1,500 ovarian cancer patients were given chemo with or without Avastin. The drug kept cancer at bay just one to two months longer than chemo alone did, with more cases of high blood pressure. There was a trend toward improved survival for those on Avastin, but the difference was too small to say the drug was responsible.

Genentech helped pay for the studies and some of the researchers consult for the company.

Dr. Gary Lyman, a Duke University researcher who was on the FDA advisory panel that recommended revoking Avastin's approval for breast cancer, wrote in an email that he agreed with the company's decision not to seek approval for ovarian cancer.

"The situation is very similar" to the results in breast cancer, and approval is unlikely unless a biological marker or test can show which patients might benefit, he wrote.

About 220,000 new cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed each year around the world, and it causes 140,000 deaths. In the United States, the National Cancer Institute estimates 22,000 new cases and 15,000 deaths each year.





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Thursday, 29 December 2011

Fear pushes finance top of 2012's new year's resolutions ...

New year's resolutions

New year's resolutions are usually about health, but this year has seen a focus on wealth

Fear has pushed personal finance to the top of most people?s priorities when it comes to new year's resolutions for 2012, with worries about wealth ? or the lack of it ? displacing concerns about health.

That?s the conclusion of separate surveys of 5,000 people by comparison websites and Rising unemployment, soaring debts and shrinking pension savings have forced more of us to worry about the future.

Even if the stock market maintains its traditional ?Santa rally?, it looks as if the FTSE 100 will end the year nearly 8pc lower than it began. Nor has residential property ? the asset millions of homeowners trust above all others ? been spared from the gloom, with house price declines across most regions in 2011 and surveyors predicting further falls in 2012.

So perhaps it should be no surprise that half those questioned about new year's resolutions said sorting out their finances was the priority for 2012. John Miles, a director of, commented: ?Traditionally, New Year is a time to reflect on the changes we want, or need, to make in our lives. Of those people making financial resolutions, one in four are looking to save money on outgoings.?

More surprisingly, two thirds of those questioned identified gym membership fees as an unnecessary expense and aim to save money by cancelling next year. James Clarke of said: ?Despite the indulgence of Christmas it seems gym membership is not high on the priority list for a New Year health kick as Brits look to cut costs. Joining a gym can be a huge financial commitment, and with many gym-goers admitting to rarely using their membership, it?s important to consider whether their hard earned cash can be used more effectively.?

Jogging around the local park is certainly cheaper and offers fresh air that is often absent in many gyms. But, as I discovered when I broke my leg last year, trying to keep fit can damage your health. Let?s hope 2012 does not prove as grim as most people expect and that next year brings pleasant surprises for Britain?s health and wealth.


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Ready for some Monday Night Football ? Betty White is!

Ready for some hot, steamy, Betty White-on-gridiron action?

America's sweetheart will deliver the laughs as part of the most anticipated sporting event of the week. The last Golden Girl standing has been tapped to open ESPN's special holiday edition of Monday Night Football (MNF) --?a face-off between the Atlanta Falcons and the New Orleans Saints.

Eat your heart out, Hank Williams Jr.!

The network says it was looking for a grandmother type for the MNF season finale and everyone's favorite octogenarian (Sorry, Hugh Hefner) was the perfect choice.

Betty's appearance on this week's?show?will be the star's first since the weekly sports special debuted in 1970.

Betty White gets freaky in first rap video >>

White's no stranger to the wonderful world of the NFL, however. It was her memorable Snickers commercial, which aired during the Saints' 2009 Super Bowl victory, that prompted Betty's later-in-life career resurgence.

Don't get too excited, she won't be belting out the words to "Are You Ready for Some Football?" The opening segment of Monday night?s game is appropriately titled "A White Christmas."

What's up next for America's grandma? The star of TV Land's Hot in Cleveland will be all over NBC on Jan. 16, ?thanks to a 90-minute television special.

Details about NBC's birthday bash for Betty White emerge >>

Betty White's 90th Birthday: A Tribute to America's Golden Girl, taped live at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, will feature White's co-stars and other famous well-wishers feting the beloved actress with musical performances, special appearances and comedy.

The show will be followed by a preview of Betty White's Off Their Rockers, a hidden camera series featuring senior citizens.

Photo credits:?Ivan Nikolov/


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Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Earlville mayor charged with DWI

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MADISON COUNTY, N.Y. -- The mayor of Earlville is facing a charge of driving while intoxicated. Mark Doeberl, 50, was stopped at a checkpoint on Route 12-B in the Town of Eaton Friday afternoon.

State police say a trooper spotted an open can of beer on the vehicle's arm rest, an empty can on the rear floor, and detected alcohol on Doeberl's breath. Police say Doeberl had a blood alcohol level at 0.1 percent.

He was ticketed for DWI, driving with a BAC over .08 percent and consuming alcoholic beverages in a vehicle.

Doeberl became mayor of Earlville in July 2010 when the previous mayor was arrested and charged with grand larceny.


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Microsoft thinks white spaces wireless market could be big

Earlier this week, the Federal Communications Commission gave their approval for the first database and the first hardware device that can access the white spaces wireless spectrum. The device is made by Koos Technical Services and will be tested in the Wilmington, North Carolina area starting in January 2012. White spaces use is expected to expand nationwide in the future.

The so-called white spaces are actually unused parts of the broadcast TV signal spectrum in the US.? So if you can pick up a TV signal at home, you could be able to access a signal from the "white spaces" to access the Internet. Business Insider has posted an interview with Dan Reed, the corporate vice president of Microsoft's Technology Policy Group. Reed claims that Microsoft is in full support of using white spaces for wireless Internet needs.

He states in the interview:

If you look at the economic returns that have been accrued by WiFi, it's a multi-billion economic impact. We absolutely believe this has the same potential. Given the explosive demand for wireless communications, perhaps even larger.

Reed also says there are a number of different business models for white spaces use including free, advertiser-based, subscription-based and more.

John Callaham

John began his journalism career writing for print newspapers but 11 years ago moved on to write mostly for online outlets, particularly PC gaming sites. He has worked for a variety of sites including Firing Squad and most recently AOL's Big Download web site.


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Tuesday, 27 December 2011

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Two Charged in Frontier Communications Copper Theft

The stolen copper was allegedly sold to an area recycling center in exchange for $500 in cash.

A search warrant of the residence led to the arrest of Larry Gross and Melody Fox.

Both suspects face charges of one felony count each of Grand Larceny.

They were processed and taken to Wood County Magistrate Court where they posted a $1,000 bond.

The copper stolen from Frontier is worth an estimated $2,500.


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Packers beat Bears 35-21, clinch No. 1 seed (AP)

GREEN BAY, Wis. ? With the first five-touchdown game of his NFL career, Aaron Rodgers ensured that the Green Bay Packers' playoff road will go through Lambeau Field.

He also made sure the rival Chicago Bears will be spending the playoffs at home.

Rodgers broke a close game wide open by leading three quick scoring drives in the second half, and the Packers beat the Bears 35-21 on Sunday night.

Rodgers noted that he once threw six touchdowns in junior college ? also in a rivalry game ? but acknowledged this one was a little bit bigger.

"Yeah, this one's pretty special," Rodgers said.

With the win, the Packers (14-1) nailed down the No. 1 seed in the NFC and claimed another round of bragging rights in the NFL's most storied rivalry by knocking the Bears out of the playoff chase.

"We wanted the path to go through Lambeau," Packers coach Mike McCarthy said.

Rodgers threw a pair of touchdown passes to Jordy Nelson, another two to James Jones, and found tight end Jermichael Finley for a score. Rodgers was 21 of 29 for 283 yards and five touchdowns with no interceptions when backup Matt Flynn took over for Rodgers with 7:54 left in the game.

Rodgers surpassed Lynn Dickey's single-season franchise record of 4,458 yards passing with one game left, although it's unclear how much Rodgers will play in the Packers' finale against Detroit.

The loss eliminated the Bears (7-8) from playoff contention and put the Atlanta Falcons in the playoffs.

Third-string running back Kahlil Bell rushed for 121 yards for the Bears, who trailed by only four early in the third quarter. But Rodgers drove the Packers for touchdowns on their next three possessions to put the game out of reach.

"When you play the Super Bowl champions, you have to be on top of your game," Bears coach Lovie Smith said. "Offensively, we did enough things to keep us in the game and have a chance to win the game at the end. But defensively we just didn't have it."

McCarthy said the team's run defense will be examined after the big performance by Bell, but added that the final score told the story.

"We won big," McCarthy said. "That's the bottom line."

Chicago came into Sunday on a four-game losing streak and beset by injuries. But the Bears were able to stay in the game with solid defense and tough running by Bell, who started because of injuries to Matt Forte and Marion Barber.

Rodgers' second-half fireworks proved to be too much for Chicago.

"Thirty-five points on that defense, that's a good night," McCarthy said.

The victory was the Packers' fourth over the Bears in 2011. Green Bay also beat Chicago in the 2010 regular-season finale, the NFC Championship game, and at Soldier Field on Sept. 25.

With the Bears trailing 14-3 at halftime, quarterback Josh McCown found Earl Bennett wide open for a 49-yard gain to set up first-and-goal on the 1. Bell fumbled just short of the goal line on the next play but offensive lineman Edwin Williams recovered the ball for a touchdown.

With the Packers nursing a four-point lead, and the Lambeau Field crowd nervously quiet early in the third quarter, Rodgers answered by dropping deep and throwing a rainbow pass to Nelson, who blew through the Chicago secondary and hauled in the ball for a 55-yard touchdown.

Rodgers then showed his running ability on the Packers' next possession, juking his way between Bears linebackers Brian Urlacher and Lance Briggs on a scramble. Rodgers finished the drive with a 7-yard touchdown toss to Jones, giving the Packers a commanding 28-10 lead.

Packers safety Charlie Peprah came up with an interception, and Rodgers found Nelson for another score to give Green Bay a 35-10 lead.

"It just hasn't gone the way we wanted to," Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher said. "If we play like this, that's what's going to happen. The last five weeks, we haven't played well enough to win, and we've lost all five games. We're not real happy where we're at. Our coaches aren't happy, but that's what we get."

McCown finally answered with a 1-yard touchdown pass to tight end Kellen Davis ? then drew the ire of the Lambeau crowd by scrambling for a two-point conversion and spiking the ball over the goalpost with his team trailing 35-18.

Rodgers' offensive feats came behind a patchwork offensive line, as the Packers were without three of their top four tackles.

Chad Clifton returned to practice this week after sitting out since October because of hamstring and back injuries, but isn't ready to play. Bryan Bulaga was inactive Sunday because of a left knee sprain, and backup Derek Sherrod is out for the season with a broken right leg.

Green Bay also was missing wide receiver Greg Jennings, because of a sprained left knee, and defensive lineman Ryan Pickett because of a concussion.

The Bears have lost five straight games since losing quarterback Jay Cutler to a broken right thumb in a Nov. 20 victory over San Diego. Chicago was 7-3 after that win, but came into Sunday's game barely alive in the playoff chase.

The Bears started McCown on Sunday after backup Caleb Hanie struggled to fill in for Cutler. McCown's most recent start came with the Oakland Raiders in 2007, and he was out of the NFL last season.

"It's a tough assignment, but you've got to find a way to pull it off," McCown said.

To make matters worse for the Bears' offense, Barber was inactive because of a calf injury. Chicago already was without Forte, who missed his third straight game because of a sprained medial collateral ligament in his right knee.

Notes: Sunday's attendance was 70,574, the team's 300th consecutive sellout, including the playoffs. ... Bears offensive lineman Lance Louis left the game in the first half because of an illness. ... Packers RB James Starks bruised an ankle.


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Monday, 26 December 2011

Former South Korean first lady to go North to mark Kim's death (Reuters)

SEOUL (Reuters) ? South Korea said on Saturday a former first lady and the chairwoman of the giant Hyundai business conglomerate will be permitted to cross into North Korea next week to join ceremonies marking the death the North's leader, Kim Jong-il.

A spokesman for the South Korean Unification Ministry said Lee Hee-ho, the widow of late president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Kim Dae-jung, will lead a 13-member delegation for a two-day trip from Monday. Kim died a week ago.

The ministry also said Hyundai Group Chairwoman Hyun Jeong-eun, the wife of the business group's former chairman Chung Mong-hun, will lead another five-member delegation to Pyongyang.

The South Korean government has said it will allow the two delegations to make the trip to the communist North because Pyongyang sent groups to Seoul to mark the deaths Kim Dae-jung and Chung.

However the delegations will not attend Kim Jong-il's funeral, scheduled for Wednesday, and no government officials, politicians or other prominent figures will accompany them.

Kim Dae-jung, who died in 2009, reopened ties while he was in office from 1998 to 2003, culminating in a historic meeting with Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang in 2000. He was later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Chung was the fifth son of the Hyundai founder Chung Ju-yung, who established Hyundai Asan Corp. in 1999, a major investor in North Korea's Mt. Kumgang tourist resort business.

The business has been suspended since the fatal shooting in 2008 of a South Korean tourist at the resort.

Hyundai Asan is also involved in the Kaesong Industrial Park project in the North, one of the impoverished North's main sources of foreign cash.

Seoul sent a message of sympathy to the North Korean people after Kim Jong-il's death, although the North denounced South Korea for not extending official condolences.

North and South Korea are technically still at war, with the 1950-53 ending in a ceasefire rather than a formal armistice.

(Reporting by Sung-won Shim; Editing by Paul Tait)


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Clashes between sect, police kill 61 in Nigeria

Fighting between a radical Muslim sect and paramilitary forces in Nigeria has killed at least 61 people over several days of violence in the nation's northeast that has left churches bombed and people hiding in fear, authorities said.

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In hard-hit Yobe state, where at least 50 people died, the government on Saturday ordered a dusk-till-dawn curfew following attacks by the sect known as Boko Haram. In Maiduguri, the capital of neighboring Borno state, bombs reduced at least three churches to rubble and raised fears of further attacks by a group that claimed Christmas Eve bombings last year that killed dozens.

The fighting began Thursday in the two states, with gunfire and explosions heard into the night and the following day in an arid region that borders Cameroon, Chad and Niger. Damaturu, the capital of Yobe state, and the town of Potiskum bore the brunt of the violence.

In Damaturu, residents fled their homes near the city's central mosque ahead of a combined attack by soldiers and the federal police's feared Mobile Police, known as "kill-and-go" for their propensity for violence. The paramilitary forces raided the area in armored personnel carriers and tanks, with heavy gunfire marking their arrival.

"We were able to kill 12 of the Boko Haram armed sect and bombers," local police commissioner Lawan Tanko said. The police commissioner said officers also recovered Kalashnikov rifles, ammunition and explosives.

In Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state, a mortuary official who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter told The Associated Press at least 11 bodies had been brought in from the violence. Authorities blamed Boko Haram for firebombing at least three churches around the capital, attacks that killed one pastor and his young child.

This is just the latest in a series of bombings over the last year by Boko Haram. The group, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege" in the local Hausa language, wants to implement strict Shariah law across a nation of more than 160 million people that is home to both Christians and Muslims.

Boko Haram claimed responsibility for a Nov. 4 attack on Damaturu, Yobe state's capital, that killed more than 100 people. The group also claimed the Aug. 24 suicide car bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Nigeria's capital that killed 24 people and wounded 116 others.

While initially targeting enemies via hit-and-run assassinations from the back of motorbikes, violence by Boko Haram now has a new sophistication and apparent planning that includes high-profile attacks with greater casualties. The sect is responsible for at least 465 killings in Nigeria this year alone, according to an AP count.

Boko Haram has splintered into three factions, with one wing increasingly willing to kill as it maintains contact with terror groups in North Africa and Somalia, diplomats and security sources say. That, as well as its increasingly violent attacks, have some worried the group will carry out further attacks around Christmas and New Year's.

Last year, a series of Christmas Eve bombings in the central Nigerian city of Jos claimed by Boko Haram killed at least 32 people and wounded at least 74 others.

With those attacks in mind, the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria's capital of Abuja issued a warning Friday to citizens to be "particularly vigilant" around churches, large crowds and areas where foreigners congregate.

Analysts say the government's response remains strained as President Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian from the country's south, remains worried about alienating the country's predominantly Muslim north with heavy-handed tactics. In 2009, a military and police crackdown following rioting by Boko Haram members in and around Maiduguri left 700 people dead.

Yet since Thursday, authorities have been using paramilitary police and soldiers more freely. Tanko, the Yobe state police commissioner, said joint patrols by the military and police would continue.

"When you are fighting people you don't know, you cannot say that's the end of the exercise," Tanko said. "We are trying to ensure that will be the end, but we are monitoring what is going on. But we know we cannot specifically say that will be the end."


Jon Gambrell reported from Lagos, Nigeria and can be reached at

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Sunday, 25 December 2011

Pope kicks off Christmas with evening Mass (AP)

VATICAN CITY ? Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Christmas Eve Mass on Saturday night, kicking off a busy two weeks of public appearances that will test his stamina.

Hours before the evening Mass began, Benedict lit a candle in his studio window overlooking St. Peter's Square in a traditional sign of peace. A few hundred people had gathered in the square to watch the candle lighting and the unveiling of the Vatican's larger-than-life nativity scene.

The Christmas Eve Mass was moved up to 10 p.m. from midnight several years ago to spare the pope a late night that is followed by an important Christmas Day speech. In a new concession this year, the 84-year-old Benedict is expected to process down the basilica's central aisle on a moving platform to spare him the long walk.

On Sunday, Benedict will deliver his traditional "Urbi et Orbi" speech, Latin for "to the city and the world," from the central loggia of St. Peter's overlooking the piazza. Usually, the speech is a survey of sorts of the hardships and wars confronting the globe. He's also due to deliver Christmas greetings in dozens of languages.

Next weekend, he'll preside over a New Year's Eve vespers service, followed by a New Year's Day Mass. A few days later he'll celebrate Epiphany Mass followed by his traditional baptizing of babies in the Vatican's frescoed Sistine Chapel.

Security was expected to be tight Saturday night as it has been in recent years. In both 2008 and 2009 there were Christmas Eve security breaches, in which a woman with a history of psychiatric problems and wearing a telltale red sweat shirt jumped the wooden security barrier along the basilica's central aisle.

In 2008, the pope's security detail blocked her from getting to Benedict. But in 2009, she managed to grab Benedict's vestments and pulled him to the ground. The pope was unhurt and continued along with the service, but a French cardinal who was nearby fell and broke his hip.


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Startup Brings Ecommerce Directly to Magazine Websites (Mashable)

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: 72Lux

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Quick Pitch: Shop across many online retailers with a single checkout and shipping fee.

Genius Idea: Bringing that service to third-party publishers.

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Shopping for women's apparel and accessories across different retailers isn't as difficult as it was a few years ago, thanks to search tools such as ShopStyle and Google Product Search. Checking out, however, can still be a chore when you're dealing with multiple site registrations and shipping fees.

72Lux eliminates much of the hassle by allowing you to shop from more than 900 retailers from its website, including such recognizable brands as Bloomingdales, Macy's and Yoox. You can browse (by designer, garment type, color and size), search and select different goods from retailers, and check out only once. What's more, you'll pay a flat shipping fee of $15, although returns have to be addressed specifically to individual retailers.

The startup takes a cut of every sale, which founder and CEO Heather Marie says is greater than the 2-3% affiliates usually receive.

That's a promising business in and of itself, but what's even more promising is the ecommerce solution 72Lux is developing for third-party publishers. As we've seen, many retailers are developing content offerings on their websites to make them more like shoppable magazines. Now, certain consumer magazines -- Marie declined to disclose which -- are working to allow customers to shop directly from their sites, instead of referring them elsewhere to purchase. The first launch will be announced in Q1 2012, Marie says.

That could open up a significant new revenue stream for publishers, although it's not yet clear what effect that will have on magazines and their readers. Enabling readers to quickly and seamlessly purchase the goods they're reading about is, yes, a convenience, but there's also the risk that readers will begin to question recommendations for products that publishers have such an obvious, vested interest in.

72Lux has raised $300,000 in seed funding to date and is currently raising its next round.

Series Supported by Microsoft BizSpark

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark, a startup program that gives you three-year access to the latest Microsoft development tools, as well as connecting you to a nationwide network of investors and incubators. There are no upfront costs, so if your business is privately owned, less than three years old, and generates less than U.S.$1 million in annual revenue, you can sign up today.

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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High surf advisory issued from central Oregon coast to Washington's Wahkiakum County

High surf advisory issued from central Oregon coast to Washington's Wahkiakum County

A look at the surf at Pacific City, Ore., Friday afternoon. (Courtesy of NWCN)

FOX12 Oregon

4:16 p.m. PST, December 23, 2011


The National Weather Service has issued a high surf advisory from the central Oregon coast up to Wahkiakum County along the southern Washington coast from Friday afternoon into early Saturday morning.

The NWS is warning that waves of up to 22 feet will pound Oregon's shores and create dangerous conditions. The surf is expected to build from 2 p.m. Friday until 4 a.m. Saturday. As the waves get bigger and more powerful, they are warning that the surf zone will be especially dangerous as the tide goes in or out.

The waves are expected to arrive with a very long swell period, possibly as much as 18 seconds, carrying with them a large amount of energy.

The National Weather Service reminds beach goers to be careful under high surf conditions. The powerful waves have the potential to sweep people from jetties and rocks or to knock them down with logs and other debris.


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Saturday, 24 December 2011

Hold The Phone! '80s-Inspired iPhone Cases Double As Pop Art

mofone Time out! If Zack Morris lived in today?s tech-savvy world, he?d be all over the MoFone . An analog advocate?s dream come true, this ?big phone for a small world? is the retro throwback to today?s sleek and shiny super gadgets. We?re not sure just how practical they are, but you have to admit, they?re the perfect dose of nostalgic kitsch to slip into a stocking for a few laughs. The iPhone-friendly, snap-on cases come in styles like, oh, a giant ear, Lego blocks, a brick phone a la Gordon Gekko, and our personal holiday favorite ? antlers! Dialing in at $12 to $40 per case, the MoFone is available at Urban Outfitters and select Nordstrom locations. Okay, time in!

Photo: Courtesy of Mofone


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Thursday, 22 December 2011

Iraq PM tells Kurds to hand over Sunni VP (AP)

BAGHDAD ? Iraq's Shiite prime minister told Kurdish authorities Wednesday to hand over the Sunni vice president, who fled to the semiautonomous region to escape an arrest warrant on charges he ran hit squads targeting government officials.

Then a Kurdish presidential spokesman ruled out handing Tariq al-Hashemi over to Baghdad, turning up the heat under what has become the worst Iraqi political crisis in years.

The charges, leveled a day after the last American troops left Iraq, have opened up a new round of the Shiite-Sunni sectarian tensions of the type that pushed the country to the brink of civil war just a few years ago.

Al-Hashemi, the country's highest ranking Sunni political figure, said Tuesday the allegations by his longtime rival, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, are fabricated and politically motivated. He accused al-Maliki of concentrating power in his hands and torpedoing national reconciliation between Sunnis and Shiites.

"I do not allow myself and others to bargain over Iraqi blood," al-Maliki said in his first public comments on the warrant. He said Iraq is a unified county, and the Kurdish authorities should hand over al-Hashemi to the Iraqi justice system. "If they will not hand him over or let him flee or escape, this will lead to problems," the premier said.

There has been speculation that al-Hashemi may try to flee the country to Turkey, which shares a border with the northern Kurdish region.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu offered his country's help in resolving the Iraqi political crisis, but he was cool to the idea of hosting al-Hashemi. "As an Iraqi statesman it would be more correct for him to remain in Iraq," he said.

The Sunni minority dominated Iraq under Saddam Hussein until he was ousted by the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. The Shiites have held power ever since, and many Sunnis feel the Shiite-led government is determined to keep the them from ever regaining positions of power.

The charges raised suspicions that al-Maliki ordered the arrest of al-Hashemi as part of a campaign to consolidate his hold on power out of fear that Sunnis inside and outside of Iraq are plotting against him. The conflict has sharpened the divisions in what is shaping up to be one of the most serious political confrontations in Iraq in years.

Al-Hashemi denied charges he paid his bodyguards to kill government officials during the heyday of Iraq's Sunni insurgency. Most of the accusations date back to the height of the internal war in 2006 and 2007, when neighbors turned on neighbors and whole sections of Baghdad were expunged of one Muslim sect or the other.

Al-Hashemi fled to the Kurdish region on Sunday, before the arrest warrant was announced and before purported confessions from his bodyguards aired on Iraqi television Monday evening. On Sunday he was barred from leaving the country.

Al-Maliki effectively runs the Interior Ministry, where the charges originated. Al-Hashemi's Sunni-backed party, Iraqiya, which shares power in al-Maliki's government, has repeatedly accused the prime minister of hoarding power and last weekend boycotted parliament because al-Maliki refused to give up control over key posts such as the defense and interior ministries. The prime minister has not appointed permanent ministers of defense or interior since he came to office a year ago.

Al-Hashemi has taken refuge in the Kurdish region, which is part of Iraq but has its own security forces. The Iraqi army and national police do not operate there.

As long as the Kurdish officials allow him to stay there, he is effectively immune from prosecution in Baghdad. The Kurds, who have been trying to work out a solution to the crisis, are also wary of al-Maliki's perceived authoritarian streak. But they have also clashed with Sunni politicians from Iraqiya over the future of disputed areas in northern Iraq claimed by both Baghdad and the Kurds.

For now at least, the Kurds appear to be siding with al-Hashemi in the increasing cycle of accusations and counter-accusations that has become a daily spectacle in Iraq.

Fuad Hussain, a spokesman for Massoud Barzani, the president of the three provinces that make up the Kurdish region, said al-Hashemi is a guest of the president, and handing him over to Baghdad is "not possible."

The charges have thrown Iraq into crisis just days after the last U.S. troops left the country and ended a nearly nine-year war.

Vice President Joe Biden called both al-Maliki and Osama al-Nujaifi, the speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, late Tuesday. He stressed to al-Maliki the "urgent need" for him to meet with leaders of other political blocs to help resolve the crisis.

Al-Maliki is also pushing for a vote of no confidence against the Sunni Deputy Prime Minister, Saleh al-Mutlaq, also a member of Iraqiya.

Al-Hashemi addressed the charges against him at a news conference in the northern city of Irbil on Tuesday. He said the case was "fabricated" to embarrass him and Iraqiya.

When asked whether al-Hashemi could get a fair trial in Iraq considering that the confessions have already aired on television, al-Maliki defended the treatment of the vice president.

"We gave the dictator Saddam a fair trial, and we will guarantee a fair trial for al-Hashemi," he said.

Al-Maliki also threatened to appoint new Cabinet ministers if the ministers from Iraqiya do not attend Cabinet sessions. He said that Iraqiya would be able to keep those positions and nominate new people from within their ranks.

Iraqiya has not indicated whether it will pull out of the government, but al-Maliki seemed prepared for that eventuality. He did not address Iraqiya directly, but during his opening remarks raised the possibility of having a simple majority government.

Now Iraq has a unity government that includes all the major factions, including Iraqiya and al-Maliki's State of Law alliance. The unwieldy government makes it difficult to make decisions, but supporters say it lessens the risk of violence that could result if large segments of the population are cut out of power.


Associated Press writers Sinan Salaheddin and Rebecca Santana in Baghdad and Yahya Barzanji in Sulaimaniyah contributed to this report.


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Friday, 16 December 2011

Another Palestinian mosque torched in West Bank (AP)

RAMALLAH, West Bank ? Vandals set fire to another mosque in the West Bank on Thursday and defaced it with Hebrew graffiti. Suspicion fell on Jewish extremists widely assumed to be behind stepped-up violence against Palestinians and the Israeli military.

The governor of Ramallah, Laila Ghanam, said arsonists doused the mosque in the village of Burqa with gasoline, then set it afire.

The Hebrew words for "war" and "Mitzpe Yitzhar" were painted in red on a wall, and the Israeli military said carpets and chairs were burned.

Mitzpe Yitzhar is an unauthorized Jewish settlement outpost in the West Bank where Israeli security forces demolished two structures early Thursday.

In recent years, settlers have attacked Palestinian and Israeli military targets in retaliation for Israeli government operations they see as overly sympathetic to Palestinians.

The increasing frequency of the attacks, the sparse number of arrests and paucity of indictments have generated allegations that the Israeli government isn't acting forcefully enough against extremists after two years of violence.

On Wednesday, following an assault on an Israeli military base, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved measures to clamp down on extremists, including giving soldiers the authority to make arrests and to ban extremists from contentious areas.

(This version CORRECTS translation of graffiti in paragraph 3.)


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Wednesday, 7 December 2011

'Silent Witness' Gets Deadly on TNT's Mystery Movie Night (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)

Aol TV.:

Richard North Patterson's legal drama 'Silent Witness' is coming to life on the small screen for TNT's ongoing Mystery Movie Night series (premieres Wed., Dec. 7, 9PM ET on TNT).

The movie stars Dermot Mulroney as a defense attorney called back home to defend his old friend (played by 'Southland' star Michael Cudlitz), a teacher who's being accused of murdering a student. There's mystery, suspense and some major courtroom action, not to mention the awesome cast -- Judd Hirsch and Anne Heche also star.

And, in our exclusive sneak peek, there's thunder, lightning and a frightening death. Oh and Dermot Mulroney shirtless. Take a look and tell us: Will you watch 'Silent Witness'?

Read the whole story: Aol TV.

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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

OTA Honeycomb update rolling out to wealthy HTC Flyer owners

You see that? It's a screenshot from a 32GB 3G + WiFi model of HTC's 7-inch Flyer that's suddenly updated to Honeycomb 3.2 without so much as a note from its mother. A tipster to the French site HTC Hub has revealed that the update (version 3.55.405.1) weighs in at 210MB and updated over the air, but so far no-one with a cheaper 16GB WiFi-only edition has been able to replicate the experience. Either the company is staggering the roll out of Google's tablet-optimized software, or it's only interested in looking after the high-rollers.

Update: HTC just confirmed over on Facebook that the GSM 3G version of the Flyer gets the Honeycomb update today, the update for WiFi-only users is "coming soon."

[Thanks, Bruno]

OTA Honeycomb update rolling out to wealthy HTC Flyer owners originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 12:02:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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