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Related Reading:
Down-to-Earth Approach
James Henslin shares the excitement of sociology, with his acclaimed "down-to-earth" approach and personal writing style that highlight the sociology of everyday life and its relevance to students' lives. With wit, personal reflection, and illuminating examples, he shares with readers his passion for sociology.
In addition to this trademark down-to-earth approach, other distinctive features include:
Comparative perspectives. Two important themes are global comparisons - the diversity of social life across cultures and societies - and comparisons over time - what society used to be like, and how it has changed.
The Globalization of Capitalism. Many examples highlight the ways in which our global economy influences the skills and knowledge we need, the work we do, and the cost of goods and services.
Visual Presentations of Sociology. Outstanding maps, graphs, and photos grab students' interest and aid comprehension.
A Down-to-Earth Approach
Henslin's?popular brief paperback text shares the excitement of sociology, with its acclaimed ?down-to-earth? approach and personal writing style that highlight the sociology of everyday life and its relevance to students' lives. James Henslin has a unique ability to engage students without talking down to them or sacrificing content. With wit, personal reflection, and illuminating examples, he shares with readers his passion for sociology.
Students are guided on their sociological journey with:
Down-to-Earth Approach
Comparative Perspectives
Globalization of Capitalism
Visual Presentations of Sociology
This is the introductory sociology text that shows students how sociology is relevant in their daily lives. Sociology, 12/e, has an innovate new design, contemporary and relevant student applications, plus a wealth of supplemental material. This revision elevates Sociology?s high standard of excellence, ensuring that it remains one of the foremost comprehensive introductory sociology resources for students and instructors alike.
Sociology, 12/E strengthens the Macionis tradition of helping students see sociology in their everyday life!
Seeing Sociology in Everyday Life
John Macionis?shares his enthusiasm, excitement and teaching experience?with a clear and engaging writing style that connects with students. Macionis', Sociology, 13th edition?is designed to help students see the relevance of the sociological theories and ideas that?inform their own lives.
Four main themes are found throughout the text:
Seeing Sociology in Everyday Life
Social Diversity
Global Comparisons
Critical Thinking
The new edition has an innovate new design, contemporary and compelling student applications, plus a wealth of author-written and author-managed supplemental material. This revision elevates Sociology's high standard of excellence, ensuring that it remains one of the foremost introductory sociology resources for students and instructors alike.
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