Self-improvement and continuous growth is an active process, not passive. This is true in nature and it is also true in human nature. Growth means a struggle to get rid of conditions and more to expand in importance and influence in our world.
This is also true that to be truly effective and meaningful growth resistance. Trees help to keep the fight against the elements and hard corals from the ocean sound, which is the struggle against the tides and currents.
The exponential growth of employees is the result of the fighting, imposed themselves. He. "Volunteers are the challenges that are exposed to a bit beyond our means to grow faster, the words of Nietzsche said brightly in the following quote:" What does not kill me makes me stronger. "
The rapid growth is outside the comfort zone and what you are than to unknown lands. As long as we remain in a familiar environment, personal resources, which he used again and again. Only when we are in terra incognita, we must go, bring to the surface and the resources that we do not even know. google_ad_channel = "7940249670", AB_unit_channel AB_cat_channel + +; google_language "is" =; google_ad_region = "test";
We have large reserves of resources that we do not even know. It may seem incredible, but every experience I had stored somewhere in our brain. Represent more information and references that can be stored in hundreds of pounds.
All this information is stored in the consciousness and is waiting to use the surface and used to be brought. The ideal way to get this huge amount of knowledge that we provide practical information to make new situations and unfamiliar conditions.
With a view to a new kind of challenge, the brain must know how to get problems solved. Be creative and imaginative. Must be based on existing solutions and create a new version that applies to a new situation. If this process is created, another tool is available.
To cope and "through this process of problem solving that we become better able to complex the situation, more versatile, more effective and ultimately achieve self-improvement and growth.
We can not learn to swim by reading this or watching the other swimmers. We can not learn, by bicycle, if you get one and learn by trial and error, and we can not learn in any business successful if they roll up their sleeves and act.
Therefore, measures are to learn, improve and grow. This is wrong and learn from our mistakes, we can improve. Is this opportunity to sound stupid, that we can look good. The default is to learn how to win.
Self-improvement is achieved by flexing intellectual muscles. It is difficult for the unexplored paths, and go where we never before. We are growing in the mountains and get kills dragons ? Do not watch the parade.
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Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou owner is responsible for training of personnel for the success of the forum.
AB_unit_channel AB_cat_channel google_ad_channel = +; google_language = "is"; google_ad_region = 'test', Q & questions to our experts on mutual with this ? 200 characters left to wonder what self-improvement? Suggestions on how to encourage teachers / suggest some methods / programs through which we can encourage teachers? I am the black spot in my dream, it is sometimes in an open, as I crushed the moment, how, and another is black with patches of different shapes and sizes and I can not s impression that the rate of respiration Article 1 2 3 4 May vote (s) 0 vote (s) Comments Print publishing addthis_pub = 'ArticlesBase; addthis_brand =' base article. com "addthis_options = 'Twitter, bookmarks, e-mail, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Facebook, Google, more'; ch_client =" ArticlesBase "ch_width = 795; ch_height = 300; ch_sid ch_cid =" mpu_articles "=" mpu_articles "ch_type to name; (i <ch_meta_tags.length i + + var i = 0) if (ch_meta_tags [i] and the name and ch_meta_tags [i] = "REG", try ch_meta_tags = document.getElementsByTagName ("meta") for.. . toLowerCase () == "keywords") = ch_queries ch_meta_tags [i] content.split (','); if (ch_queries.length> 0) ch_selected = Math.floor (Math.random () * ch_queries. length), if (== ch_queries.length ch_selected) ch_selected -;. ch_queries ch_query = [ch_selected] catch (e) Document ch_query =. Title = '2439422 aster_cloud_id; aster_cloud_format '800?100 = 'document.write (unescape ("% 3Cscript src ='" type = "text / javascript '% 3E% 3C/script% 3E ")); Source: Keywords: self-improvement, growth, an active process, the nature, objects associated with the past, human nature as self-help article by Dr.. Raymond Comeau dance of personal and spiritual growth
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By: Dr. Raymond Comeaul Self-Help> Self Helpl 24th March 2011 Add Comment Your name: * Your E-mail:. If ($ cookie ("screen_name.")) $ ('# Not_logged_in) hide (); comment body *.
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